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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

Chair of Labour Economics – Prof. Dr. Elke Jahn

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Seminar ELE – Extended Deadline participation form - October, 13, 2024

The seminar is jointly organized with the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. During the seminar, participants will discuss a broad range of topics in labor economics and economics of imperfect labor markets. The list of topics in the pdf Course Description provides references. The seminar consists of two consecutive parts. In the first part, students write a thesis (15 pages) under the guidance of their advisor. In an introductory session, students learn the principles of scientific work and the expected scope of analysis. The thesis is a literature review (see the list of topics for the main article to be covered). Students are expected to search for additional literature and then work independently on their topic. Advisors will guide this process. The second part consists of a blocked seminar (January 16-17, 2025) of student presentations. The seminar will take place at Vierzehnheiligen (Bad Staffelstein) together with students from the University of Nuremberg who work on the same topics in parallel. The presentation will be given together with the corresponding student from the University of Nuremberg. 

!!! The Deadline for submitting the participation form has been extended to October 13 !!!

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